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Time:December 14-16, 2014

Place:Taipei International Convention Center

Time:December 14-16, 2014

Place:Taipei International Convention Center

The 2014 Cross-strait Entrepreneurship Summit was held on December14-16 in Taipei City. Dr. Chi-Shean Chan, a senior advisor to the Taiwanese government, and Prof. Jie-Fu Huang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Central Health Committee, jointly led the task force on the promotion of the cooperation in biotech and healthcare industries. Dr. Ming-Nung Hsu, vice Minister of the MOHW in Taiwan, presented the results of the cross-strait cooperation in biopharmaceutical. Mr. Zhen Wu, Deputy Director of the CFDA in China, expressed that the cross-strait cooperation in healthcare has started as the cooperation model is established, the four task forces are working away and more meetings are arranged. However, the authorities should consider the differences in the system between both countries and formulate policies fair to both sides.

2014 Cross-strait Entrepreneurship Summit was held on December 14-16 in Taipei City.