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Time:December 08, 2014 (Monday)

Plase:Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China

Time:December 08, 2014 (Monday)

Place:Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China

The 4th Cross-strait Biotech Communication Conference was held on December 8 in Harbin City, China. About 100 people participated in this conference, representing the industry, the academic and the government across the Strait. A TRPMA delegation also attended the conference. The delegation included Ms. Carol Cheng, COO of the TRPMA, and representatives of member companies, such as TaiGen, TTY, OEP, SunDream and TCM Bio. The conference discussed issues concerning the cross-strait regulations governing pharmaceuticals and medical devices, the platform for cross-strait cooperation in clinical trials and the presentation of the outcomes of the cross-strait R&D cooperation projects.

Dr. Ming-Nung Hsu, Deputy Minister of the MOHW, led a workforce formed by staff of the TFDA and the CDE to negotiate with the CFDA and reached the following results:

  1. Confirm the cross-strait cooperation project of drug clinical trials

  2. Form a dedicated task force on drug clinical trials

3.Confirm the Chinese point of contact for inquiries

The 4th Cross-strait Biotech Communication Conference was held on December 8 in Harbin City, attracting 100 people to this event.