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Time:July 26, 2016 (Tuesday)

Place:Chang Yung-Fa Foundation

Time:July 26, 2016 (Tuesday)

Place:Chang Yung-Fa Foundation


Professor Daria Mochly-Rosen (School of Medicine of Stanford University), the founder of the SPARK Program, was invited to give a special talk in this international conference. She shared her experience in industry-academia collaboration gained from the Stanford SPARK Program in the past decade. She also led the discussion with stakeholders in Taiwan biopharmaceutical industry on the future industry-academia collaboration models and strategies.

Ms Carol Cheng, COO of the TRPMA, also introduced to the audience the “BioIPSeeds”, a trusted platform for biopharmaceutical industry-academia R&D collaboration. This trusted platform is the world’s first application of the blockchain technology in the biopharmaceutical industry. This platform aims to facilitate the communication and collaboration between the industry and the academia and expedite the launch of new drugs and new medical devices.

The biopharmaceutical industry has features of high investment, high risk and long R&D period. Therefore, the industry should work out how to integrate the resources and how to strengthen the collaboration network.