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Time:May 24, 2016 (Tuesday)

Place: TRPMA Conference Room

Time:May 24, 2016 (Tuesday)

Place: TRPMA Conference Room

TRPMA invited Ms. Eileen Sharpe, the Director of the Growth Market of IDA Ireland, and Mr. Gerard Whitty, Director of the ASEAN & Taiwan of IDA Ireland, to give a talk about the MedTech & BioPharma Industry in Ireland.

IDA Ireland is an Irish official agency responsible for attracting foreign investment in order to boost business and create job opportunities. They are targeting on manufacturing industries with high added-values, international service industries and research-based industries, including IT, biopharmaceutical, engineering and international financial services.

IDA Ireland provides consultation services for investors, including briefings on the overall economic situations, the tax systems, fund raising policies, regulations, etc. It also assists businesses to forge a link with Irish academic bodies and industries and to apply for grants and subsidies. In order to encourage innovation, Ireland provides 25% tax credit for businesses engaging in R&D.

The Irish government has put a lot of efforts in promoting the country’s industry. In 2014, Ireland became the 7th biggest export countries of pharmaceuticals. The total export value reached € 39 billion. It has attracted international drug manufacturers, including Novartis, Pfizer, GSK, MSD, J&J, Regeneron, Shire and Amgen, to set up a base in Ireland.

Ireland has established the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT). Last year, 4000 people received training in NIBRT. Ms. Sharpe expressed that if manufacturers in Taiwan would like to receive formulation and scale-up manufacturing related trainings, they can apply to the NIBRT directly. More information is available on the NIBRT’s website <http://www.nibrt.ie/>