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Time:October 22, 2015 (Thursday)
Place:TRPMA Conference Room

Time:October 22, 2015 (Thursday)
Place:TRPMA Conference Room


In the 5th lecture of the Cell Therapy Lectures, TRPMA invited Dr Ling Tai-Yen, Associate Professor of the Pharmacology College of the National Taiwan University, to give an interesting talk on “To Be or Not To Be, The Way to Stem Cell Therapy”.

As the population is ageing, it is getting important to find ways to improve the elderly’s physiological functions in order to maintain their quality of life. Therefore, regenerative medicine is placed along side with small molecular drugs, protein drugs and medical devices as the four pillars to support the health industry.

In addition to the introduction of the recent breakthrough and clinical applications of stem-cell researches, Dr Ling revealed the limits and potential risks behind those researches. Conventional methods of drug safety evaluation are not appropriate for live cell therapies due to the features of the treatments. Dr Ling stressed that the development of treatments with stem cells should be backed by scientific evidences in order to protect patients’ safety and to sustain the industry.

As the world is eagerly engaging in the development of cell therapies, Taiwan needs to speed up the integration of resources from bench to bedside, to establish a good cell classification and verification mechanism and to strengthen the safety regulations. By doing so, it will help promote the generative medicine in Taiwan and provide patients with more treatment choices.