

鈦隼生物科技股份有限公司創立於 2015 年8月,駐於新竹科學園區竹北生醫園區。鈦隼生物科技為創新開發結合機器人技術的導航系統,以提高手術準確性,簡化手術流程並減少學習曲線為宗旨。團隊所開發的臺灣首創腦部手術導航機器人將機器視覺、系統演算法與機器手臂整合成專利技術:3D特徵圖資對位技術(SMART Technology)。運用機器視覺、機器手臂技術、與演算法,於手術時可達「即時影像」、「精準醫療」及「微創傷口」,成為主要核心使用之醫療技術。 SMART技術具有強大的延伸性,目前技術最精密可執行腦部手術(精準度於2mm以下)、骨科上也可做植牙導引,未來將朝向早期癌症治療為研發方向。 2020年也延伸至新冠疫情,保護第一線醫護人員採檢的安全,世界首創技術與其整合性防疫科技,台積電慈善基金會也在2個月內快速捐贈了14座「零接觸防疫採檢站」給全台醫院。

鈦隼生物科技首創「自動腦部手術導航機器人-NaoTrac」,精準有效安全執行腦部外科手術,突破現有技術以「非接觸式」的方式取得病人的空間資訊,並將其以自動化的方式與術前醫學影像進行影像合併,以提升我國醫療品質與創新競爭力;與產學研醫跨界資源整合,加強學界與業界連結,共同設計開發影像導引技術,帶動國內廠商落實產品國際化。NaoTrac已於2021年4月取得CE class II b的認證。目前正在申請臺灣醫療准證(TFDA),預計2022年第四季可取得准證,同時也會於2022年年底申請美國FDA醫療准證。

  • NaoTrac:Biopsy, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), SEEG, endoscopic surgery and EVD
  • Product Introduction:Equipped with Machine Vision, AI technology and Robotic Arm, fast and precise navigation with non-contact registration, pre-operating planning preparation, choosing the surgical pathway with a 3D vision for precise anatomical location. The unique autonomous procedure allows the surgeon to plan and let NaoTrac act as his assistant.

  • ** Zero-Contact Medical Station:**”Zero-Contact Medical Station” is a one-stop holistic solution integrated service for specimen inspection procedures. It started from the specimen collection, pipetting, to generate the RT-PCR report, which can be completed within 30 minutes.

  • Product Introduction:The overall process is that the “Nasal Swab Robot” to perform the specimen collection, and the robotic arm to proceed the pipetting in the pipetting system (NSR-P), then the NSR-P will put the nasopharynx swab into the UTM (Universal Transport Medium) and then put the samples into the Roche’s assay. Before taking out the assay, it can be disinfected with alcohol and auto UV-C sterilization system, the medical staff could take the pipetted assay out from the NSR-P and put it into the rapid RT-PCR to proceed with the inspection. Within our holistic solution in the “Zero-Contact Medical Station”, the inspection originally takes 60 to 120 minutes to generate the reports, now can be shorten to 30 minutes to complete the whole process. The high-risk procedure, specimen collection and pipetting, are performed in an isolated space by the robotic arm. It is completely separated from the medical staff and tester. The “Zero-Contact Medical Station” is equipped with 2 Nasal Swab Robots, HEPA Filter, UVC Disinfection, negative pressure room with negative 8 Pa air pressure in inspection room and positive 8 Pa air pressure in the control room, glass wall separation, High Standard Ventilation System, and Digital Certification Ensuring Authentic Reports. The environment is designed to prevent and reduce the risk of the cross-infection of viruses and droplets.

  • Nasal Swab Robot - NSR:Aims at preventing and reducing the spread of in suspected cases infectious whooping cough, diphtheria, influenza, and various types of diseases caused by the coronavirus family of viruses, including SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 in the hospital.

  • Product Introduction:The Nasal Swab Robot helps to reduce staff- patient contact with highly infectious diseases at the point of testing by autonomously navigating and collecting patient’s sample. The robot automatically recognizes the patients’ facial structure and the precise nostril’s location to autonomously take the samples without the need of medical staff. The robot uses some fundamental functions of the innovative autopilot brain surgery navigation robot developed by Brain Navi. NSR is a robotized platform through Finger Gripper to hold a nasopharyngeal swab to assist the health care worker for collecting the sample of secretions from the uppermost part of the throat, behind the nose. NSR is equipped with a compact Robotic Arm, and Display Screen mounted on a wheeled Trolley.


   2015 創立鈦隼生物科技股份有限公司
   2018 使用「自動腦部手術導航機器人」執行動物EVD臨床實驗, 並且很成功
   2018 「自動腦部手術導航機器人」於花蓮慈濟醫院完成第一次EVD人體實驗
   2019 取得醫療器材品質認證ISO 13485
   2019 參加2019年神經外科學會年度會議
   2020 為了幫助疫情,以NaoTrac為基礎新創了世界首台「自動鼻咽採檢機器人」 並取得EUA
   2020 「自動鼻咽採檢機器人」取得國家新創獎
   2021 「零接觸採檢站」與「自動鼻咽採檢機器人」架設於「中國醫藥大學附屬醫院新竹分院」,「天成醫療集團」與「花蓮慈濟醫院」
   2021 NaoTrac 取得歐盟CE class IIb 認證
   2021 「零接觸採檢站」獲得台積電慈善基金會訂單,架設於台大,北榮,等14家醫院
   2022 與花蓮慈濟醫療中心簽訂合作意向書,攜手創立首座腦部手術機器人訓練中心