新藥公司進行跨區域臨床試驗 (Multi-Regional Clinical Trial, MRCT) ,以提升新藥價值,但區域間的醫療體系和法規差異,也為生技公司帶來機會和挑戰。為使台灣新藥公司了解在美國及歐洲進行MRCT的困難及善用資源與機會,TRPMA 與跨國CRO公司 Ergomed 合作,於12月14日下午舉辦「Harnessing the Potential of the US and Europe in Multi-Regional Clinical Trials」論壇。
Ergomed商業營運資深副總Nikola Strumberger及策略解決方案與病人中心資深副總Juliet Moritz將來台分享如何充分利用各區域優勢,制定有效的法規、營運及商業策略,並與TRPMA張鴻仁副理事長及葉志鴻常務理事對談,討論如何成功將美國與歐洲納入新藥研發之策略。
主辦單位:台灣研發型生技新藥發展協會 (TRPMA)、Ergomed PLC
時間:112年12 月14 日 (星期四) 14:00-17:00
地點:TRPMA會所演講廳 (台北市南港區忠孝東路六段465-1號1樓)
聯絡人:葉映君 Vian Yeh (02)2783-1262 [email protected].tw
Ergomed PLC https://ergomedplc.com/
Ergomed is an award-winning full-service clinical development and research company with operations in over 60 countries and 6 continents specializing in oncology, rare and orphan diseases, and complex clinical trials. While many clinical research organizations (CROs) focus exclusively on executing clinical trials, Ergomed partners closely with biotechnology companies who need more strategic guidance from the outset. Our approach leveraging regulatory insights, data analysis, clinician and patient engagement from the planning stage sets the foundation to a sound development strategy, excellence in execution, quality with agility, and integrity to support every stage in the development of our clients’ new therapeutics.