
Member Profile

Established in 2011, TaiRx, Inc. is focused on the development of new drugs which aim to cure severe diseases including cancer and sepsis. The product pipeline covers new chemical compound, innovative antibody and formulation improvement drugs. Several products are under development and entering clinical trials to ensure their safety and efficacy. In 2018, a new drug (Zelnite®) has been approved by TFDA and launched in Taiwan. With Taiwan as a home base, TaiRx has set up its US and China subsidiaries and recruited experts and experienced consultants in various fields worldwide. TaiRx adds value to the product line by rapidly moving the progress of drug products forward. TaiRx is committed to pursuing high quality and scientific excellence and establishing global collaboration and partnering with a goal to become a global drug development company.

Product Pipelines

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Company Milestones

   2011 TaiRx, Inc. founded under strategic alliance between Formosa Laboratories and Efficient Pharma Corp. focusing on small molecule anti-cancer treatment with an initial.
   2015 Oral cancer drug CVM-1118 received US FDA and TFDA approvals to initiate Phase I clinical trial.
   2017 In-licensed from Northwestern University and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago for global development and market rights using Nodal as a new target for treatment and diagnosis of cancers.
   2018 Zelnite® Solution for Injection received NDA approval from the Taiwan FDA.
   2018 Oral cancer drug CVM-1118 received US FDA and TFDA approvals to start a multi-center phase II clinical trial in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and a multi-center phase II clinical trial in advanced NET (Neuroendocrine tumors) cancer.
   2021 Oral cancer drug CVM-1118 received US FDA and TFDA approvals to start a phase II clinical trial in combination with Nivolumab for unresectable advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
   2022 TaiRx’s sodium selenite pentahydrate SelenOne® awarded the Symbol of National Quality (SNQ) in 2022 for its affirmed safety and quality for use as a food additive.
   2024 Our intravenous injection drug, Zelnite®/西寧特®, has been approved by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) for a change in its dosage and administration.