
Member Profile

Founded in 1982, Orient EuroPharma Co., Ltd (OEP) was officially listed in the Taipei Exchange in 2003. (Stock code: 4120) Business include pharmaceuticals, oncology drugs, dermo-cosmetics, infant & adult nutrition and healthcare products. OEP also owns two pharmaceutical factories: US FDA inspected oral dosage manufacturing and sterile/cytotoxic injectable manufacturing. Including the R&D site in US, OEP is a multinational pharmaceutical company with core capabilities of integrating drug research and development, clinical trials, manufacturing and drug sales channels. OEP has started to establish oversea subsidiaries since 1993 and keep strengthening marketing and sales capability in the Asian Pacific region. Currently, overseas employees account for more than 40%. OEP collaborates with New Zealand’s Dairy Goat Co-operatives (DGC) to market “Karihome,” a new brand for infant nutrition has successfully entered the Mainland China and Southeast Asia market which makes OEP is one of the few Taiwanese companies able to manage an international brand. Towards on the unique and niche market, the R&D and business strategy of OEP is focusing on developing 505(b)(2) new drugs. In order to driven growth of business continuously, OEP developed technology platforms with patent to expand the competency of R&D and collaborate with globalized company by strategic alliance to accelerate new products on market. Upholding the core value, “Through Integrity, United We Achieve and Be Remarkable,” OEP will pursuit the sustainable development and accomplishment of a benchmarking enterprise in Asia-pacific.

Product Pipelines

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Company Milestones

   1982 Founded Orient EuroPharma Co., Ltd
   1989 Imported infant goat formula from New Zealand in 1989, and created the Karihome brand for domestic sales in Taiwan.
   2003 Officially listed in Taipei Exchange (stock code :4120)
   2008 Established subsidiary company, OirentPHARMA Co., Ltd
   2015 OEP cooperated with TissueTech™ , looking to expand into the field of Regenerative Medicine Ophthalmology.
   2017 OEP obtained the certificate of PIC/S GMP and PIC/S GDP and the letter of approval from Taiwan Food and Drug Administration for human organ bank
   2018 OP NanoPharma Sterile/Cytotoxic Injectable Products Factory completed to provide commissioned development and drug manufacture services.
   2019 Established subsidiary company, OEP Innovations in the US
   2020 Methydur Sustained Release Capsules awarded by Drug Research and Development Science and Technology Award by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy in Taiwan.
   2024 宜祛痘-Isotretor, a 505(b)(2) new drug which developed by Orient EuroPharam obtained the drug permit license from TFDA and listed in 2024 Q2.