

艾萬霖生技股份有限公司成立於2020年12月,董事長林奏延醫師是知名的小兒科權威醫師,擔任過多項要職,包括行政院衛生福利部部長、國家衛生研究院董事長、台灣感染症醫學會理事長、及台灣兒科醫學會理事長。艾萬霖生技股份有限公司是以外泌體為主要研發項目的公司,願景是成為全球抗老化與回春領導重鎮,使命是運用優質外泌體生技產品治療退化性疾病與維持健康的老化。艾萬霖生技公司的外泌體新藥也是台灣衛生福利部 (TFDA)第一個外泌體新藥申請案件,因此醫藥品查驗中心(CDE)將之列為新藥指標案件,未來政府將協助艾萬霖進行外泌體新藥的開發,並共同建立相關的新藥審查法規。




   2020 ExoOne Bio Co., Ltd. established in Linkou, New Taipei City
   2021 ExoOne Bio’s exosome new drug development selected by CDE as an Index Project
   2021 Established an independent in-house exosome research & development Lab.
   2021 Sign academia collaboration agreement on research & development with several institutes
   2022 ExoOne Bio signs CDMO agreement with Taiwan Bio Therapeutics Co., Ltd.
   2022 Sign collaboration agreement for new drug pre-clinical development with several institutes
   2022 Cosmetic functional assays completed
   2022 Cosmetic human clinical studies ongoing
   2022 Cosmetic data submitted for publication
   2023 Exosome biodistribution data completed
   2023 Approved by Ministry of Economic Affairs as a qualified biotech company
   2023 Fund raising to NT$120Mil.
   2023 Exosome functional studies in osteoarthritis、degenerative eye diseases、& anti-aging completed
   2023 ExoHair Essence study ongoing