在科技革新的浪潮中,化學與生物學的交融正推動新藥研發邁向新境界。全球抗體藥物複合體 (ADC)、核酸藥物、細胞治療等新興藥物蓬勃發展,加速精準治療的創新與突破。
為協助台灣新藥公司掌握最新科技平台,提升新藥研發效率,全球新藥研發CRO公司Medicilon與TRPMA合作,將於12月16日下午共同舉辦「New Approaches to Facilitate Drug Discovery and Development」新藥研發論壇,內容涵蓋小分子藥物至ADC、核酸藥物與CAR-T細胞治療的藥物發現與開發、毒理學策略,並探討如何在不同研發階段運用多元模式,調整產品定位以掌握技術與策略的最新趨勢。
Medicilon藥理部副總裁曹保紅博士將演講如何建立新的動物腫瘤模型,加速藥物發現與開發流程。毒理研究質量保證部副總裁謝仁宗博士將分享如何透過創新的毒理學策略,確保ADC、與核酸藥物的安全性並加速進入臨床試驗。Expert Dialogue將由Medicilon首席商務官蔡金娜博士、曹保紅博士、謝仁宗博士,以及台灣業務拓展部商務副總監李一麟博士共同探討如何通過靈活的服務模式,支持新藥從實驗室進入臨床開發,實現藥物的快速轉化應用。
主辦單位:Medicilon、台灣研發型生技新藥發展協會 (TRPMA)
時間:113年12 月16 日 (星期一) 14:00-17:00
地點:TRPMA會所演講廳 (台北市南港區忠孝東路六段465-1號1樓)
【Medicilon】 https://www.medicilon.com/
【Speaker BIO】
Jinna Cai, PhD (蔡金娜博士)
CBO, Medicilon
Dr Cai graduated from China Pharmaceutical University with a PhD, during which she collaborated with the Medical University of Toyama, Japan, and the Institution of Natural Medicine before working at the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. With over 30 years of dedication to new drug development, she was rewarded the First Prize for Science and Technology Progress by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Award for Science and Technology Grade I. While she was the Director of the R&D Center at Huiren Group, she was awarded one of the Top 10 employees and honored as an Excellent Management Individual of the Provincial Technological Center by Jiangxi Province.
Baohong Cao, Surgery PhD (曹保紅醫學博士)
VP of Pharmacology, Medicilon
Over twenty-five years of combined professional experience in Academic research and Pharmaceutical industry and over 10 years of people/team manage experience. Surgery PhD in Beijing Medical University, post-doctoral research associate at State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr Cao used to participate in research work at University of Pittsburgh & Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Benaroya Research Institute (Seattle) and Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research. His work was published by top academic magazines, such as Nature Cell Biology, Nature Biotechnology and Journal of Cell Biology. Prior to Medicilon, Dr Cao worked for Shanghai ChemPartner Co., Ltd. as senior director, MI Bioresearch Inc. as study operations director and Wuxi Apptech Inc. as senior director in Immune oncology.
Jen-Tsung Hsieh, PhD, DABT (謝仁宗博士)
VP of Toxicology Research, Medicilon
Dr Hsieh is the VP of toxicology research at Medicilon. He received a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from the University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA. He is also a certified DABT Toxicologist. Dr Hsieh has been in the pharmaceutical industry for more than 30 years with 12 years as a Pharm/Tox reviewer at CDE, Taiwan. Before joining Medicilon, Dr Hsieh served as a senior executive in Jiangxi Changpharma Inc., LongBio Pharma, and Oneness Biotech. Dr Hsieh’s career spans health authority, biotech companies and CRO with extensive experience in Regulatory Affairs, industrial R&D of new drugs and team management.
Ryan Lee, PhD (李一麟博士)
Associate Director of BD (Taiwan), Medicilon
Ryan is a versatile professional who has always been interested in how the pharmaceutical industry converts innovative ideas into therapeutic opportunities to advance public health. He graduated from the University of Nottingham, UK, with a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Advanced Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering group. With 20 years of dedication in Regulatory Affairs, including as a reviewer in Biologics at Taiwan CDE, and having achieved “an IND approval per year” goal for three consecutive years for a liposomal company, a US IND approval for a gene therapy of viral vector, an MAA approval of a biosimilar; currently he is completing an Elite MBA at National Taiwan University.